Vote NO to Articles 3 - 10 on June 11, 2024 Ballot
Vote NO to Articles 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 on June 11
(RE: Camden, Maine Town Warrant, June 11, 2024)
These articles are NOT backed by the people. Once again, the people of Camden showed up at Planning Board and Select board meetings only to have their written and vocal opposition ignored.
90-pages of comments on the public record, virtually all in opposition to the proposed new rules and zoning code changes – read them here.
Not backed by data. Articles 3 through 10 are being "pitched" as strategies to address public safety and community well-being, as well as to promote affordable housing opportunities; however, no data or analyses have been presented to show any positive outcomes on any of these issues.
Property owners will face a complex web of new requirements, expensive annual licensing fees, and other unnecessary new fees should they desire to rent their properties.
What’s more, the Planning Board and Select Board have not disclosed how much these new fees will be, or how the fee structure will be decided. It will be in their hands – not the peoples.
Homeowners could face fines for renting their property to family or friends if they haven’t received a license and met other requirements in advance of doing so.
Again, these penalties haven’t been articulated and will not be influenced or decided by the people of Camden.
New regulations and restrictions like these carry the high probability of unintended consequences: Our highly lucrative tourism economy, support of our local businesses, our property values, tax base, quality of life, and architectural character could be adversely affected. Why take a chance and for what?
This is your opportunity to have a voice. Vote NO to Articles 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
Voting Day: Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Polls open at 8 am and close at 8 pm
Polling Place: Camden Public Safety Building
31 Washington Street, Camden, Maine
Questions regarding this election or voter registration can be directed to the Town Clerk’s Office at 207-236-3353 ext 1 or koakes@camdenmaine.gov
Absentee voting is available in the Town Office, Monday- Friday, from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm.
* Request an absentee ballot at the Town Office or download the form and follow the instructions here.
* The last day to absentee ballot in person at the Town Office, is Thursday, June 6, 2024, unless a special circumstance exists.
* The last date to turn in absentee ballots after June 6th is by dropping one off at the secure box outside the town office before June 11th.
* Mailed in absentee ballots should be mailed at least one week prior to June 11th to ensure they are received on time and will be counted.
Learn in more detail about what's on the ballot this year:

Pick up your FREE lawn signs at 66 Elm St. in Camden (Monday to Friday).
Need them over the weekend or requesting home drop off (if avail)? Email us at
Vote NO on Articles 3 - 10: New regulations that strip away homeowners’ rights
-- Proposed articles threaten Camden’s character and do nothing to increase affordable housing opportunities --
Like blackflies in spring, every season brings hand wringing about dark houses in the winter and concerns that Camden will suddenly become a seasonal town. Yet despite MBNA’s departure, 9/11, 2008 or the “housing shortage”, here we still are catching up at Hannaford’s, Zoot’s, or the dump. Still exchanging personal property of dubious value during yard sale season. Life for Camdenites is good and the sky isn’t falling. Read the full press statement.
Read letters from Camden residents...
Matt Graham
Alex Cohen
Rolanda Klapatch
Want your voice heard too? Email us your letter: camdencaresorg@gmail.com and we'll publish it here.
Also, please send it in to the Pen Pay Pilot and note that it is a Letter to the Editor - news@penbaypilot.com.
Camden Cares is a 501c4 nonprofit organization, and we appreciate your financial support to help get the word out and defeat these ill-conceived measures.
Our Board of volunteers receives no compensation. All donations go directly towards campaign materials (e.g. lawn signs, print and digital ads, etc.) to increase issue awareness, educate townspeople, and urge residents to go out and vote.
Camden Cares is a 501c4 Nonprofit Organization
Operated Exclusively to Promote the Social Welfare of Camden, Maine
Camden Cares was formed in April 2023 by a concerned group of residents in order to protect and promote the health and social well-being of the town. We are a 100% volunteer-based and community-funded organization focused on educating and mobilizing Camden's citizens in the furtherance of these critical objectives.
Our first campaign was to oppose an ordinance change that would have allowed for the opening of retail marijuana stores in downtown Camden. Without any popular support, research or analysis, and only a single public hearing on the matter, the town's Select Board rushed the proposal to a town vote and Camden Cares sprung into action.
Representing the voice of the people, our efforts helped draw a record number of residents to vote in an mid-year municipal election (90%+ participation), and the result was a resounding and precedent-setting 2 - 1 defeat of the measure.
Check out televised coverage of Camden's retail cannabis vote by NBC's Newscenter Maine, 6/21/23.
The story was also featured in the Bangor Daily News, and local weeklies including the Camden Herald, The Courier-Gazette, and The Pen Bay Pilot.
For press and others interested in speaking to Camden Cares, email us at: camdencaresorg@gmail.com.